Articles tagged with:


Data Driven Society /

Turning point of market research

Market research as we know it is undergoing drastic changes as consumers are making decisions faster, and data collection and analysis can soon even predict the future.

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Data Driven Society /

Solutions for digital distrust

With the rise of fake news and misleading information, how will people be able to trust in the future? Blockchain may offer an answer.

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Data Driven Society /

Revolutionary medicine: to crowdsourcing and beyond

The future of healthcare is digitalized and augmented. Open-source gives a kick-off to medical research. Can collective intelligence solve health problems?

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Data Driven Society /

Augmented future of the Internet

Regulating online environment becomes challenging due to the rise of technology and scope of the Internet. The possible futures are amplified. The Internet of Values and Ideas will help humanity flourish and innovate.

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Data Driven Society /

In radical openness we trust

The future of total transparency is soon to be a reality. Strategy Execution Software, the blockchain, and internal transparency are the outcomes of radical openness. Is radical openness pathway to ethical and fraud-free future?

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Data Driven Society /

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for FinTech

This article explores Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and the ways these innovations will affect life and businesses.

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